Shocking News from USA | When gay girls get DNA, Sisters get out

Shocking News from USA | When gay girls get DNA, Sisters get out

In New York, USA, two lesbian girls have been in a relationship for the past two years, and now it has been revealed about their relationship to the audience that even the listeners were stunned. “Shocking News from USA | When gay girls get DNA, Sisters get out”

According to The Sun, the girls are Kerala and Mercedes who recently decided to have their DNA tested and buy DNA kits for this purpose.

The test revealed that the two were in fact step-sisters.

Kerala and Mercedes have set up a joint account on Tik Tak where they have stated in a video.

Shocking News from USA | When gay girls get DNA, Sisters get out

Shocking News from USA

Kerala and Mercedes say in the video that they have been in a happy relationship for two years and now they know that they are sisters from their father.

However, their mothers are different. Their father did not marry their mother.

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The man had a brief relationship with the two women, which led to the birth of Kerala and Mercedes.

Is. That’s why we decided to have a DNA test.

Kerala and Mercedes said that once it was proof that they were step-sisters,

Their relationship would not be affect and they would maintain their homosexual relationship. His video is going viral and has been view by over 600,000 people so far.

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