There has been a lot of talk about a committee fraud in Pakistan for the past few days. In which hundreds of women have allegedly lost millions of rupees.“Online Fraud | Baji with the Committee Escaped with 42 Crore Rupees”
A woman Sidra Hameed is being claim on social media that she has messed up the management of more than a hundred committees after which she is unable to return the money to the people who participated in them.
Online Fraud | Baji with the Committee Escaped with 42 Crore Rupees
In this regard, Sidra has confirmed in a statement on social media that she is unable to pay the amount immediately, but she says that she is not going to run away with the money, but to all the people. Committed to paying back the money.
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Sadra Hameed has also appealed to the people that their money has sunk. But those who are money lenders should pay their dues so that the rest of the people can be paids.
Also, the woman did not confirm the number of committees and the amounts. Which some say is around Rs 42 crore. According to reports, women have lost money worth lakhs through various Facebook groups.
Whose allegeds responsibility is Sidra Hameed. Who has allegedly embezzleds Rs 42 crore worth of committees.
Sidra Hameed is an alleged entrepreneur who owns two businesses. One is a food and beverage company and the other is crocheteds gift items.
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She first won people’s trust on social media and then. She disappeared from the limelight by swindling them for Rs 42 crore.
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