Mistakes on the 100 note, The citizen succeeds in drawing the attention

Mistakes on the 100 note, The citizen succeeds in drawing the attention of the Government after 5 years

KARACHI: The Federal Ombudsman has directed the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) to rectify the defects immediately after a senior citizen pointed out two errors in the Rs 100 note. “Mistakes on the 100 note, The citizen succeeds in drawing the attention of the Government after 5 years”

According to details, 75-year-old Muhammad Mohsin of Karachi pointed out that the name of the father of

the nation Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the location of the picture behind it were not correct on the 100 note. Directed.

Mistakes on the 100 note, The citizen succeeds in drawing the attention of the Government after 5 years

Mistakes on the 100 note

Muhammad Mohsin, a retired civil servant who pointed out, said that a careful examination of the note ten

years ago revealed that the spelling of Quaid-e-Azam’s name in English was not in accordance with the

spelling in the Constitution of Pakistan. The place is “Quaid-e-Azam” which is wrong. On the back of the note,

along with the printed image, is written Quaid-e-Azam Residency Ziarat Quetta which should have been Balochistan.

Mohammad Mohsin said that he had written hundreds of letters to the concerned agencies during the last

ten years but no progress was made. In January 2022, he submitted an application to the Federal

Ombudsman on which he sent notices to the concerned authorities and now announced his decision.

According to Sarwar Brohi, head of the regional office of the federal ombudsman in Quetta, the federal

ombudsman has ruled on the petitioner’s request and directed the SBP to rectify both the errors.

He said that in the meantime, the 5th generation currency notes started in 2006 will continue to be use in

the market in the same way but this mistake will be correct on the new notes.

Sarwar Brohi appreciated the initiative of the 75-year-old citizen and said that Mohammad Mohsin not only

pointed out the mistake but also showed courage and patriotism despite repeated failures.

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