Five Sisters Pass CSS Exams - Each of Our Daughters

Five Sisters Pass CSS Exams – Each of Our Daughters Is Weightier Than 500 Sons

Zaha Malik Sher, The fifth daughter of Malik Rafiq Awan and Khurshid Begum of Haripur district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, has also now become a part of the civil service of Pakistan. Such instances would be very rare that the five sisters. “Five Sisters Pass CSS Exams – Each of Our Daughters Is Weightier Than 500 Sons”
Have passed the Higher Government Service Examination one by one. When the final result of the CSS exams 2019 was released in Pakistan on Wednesday. There was one name among the successful candidates who got a job in the Civil Service of Pakistan.

It’s done.

Zaha Malik Sher, The youngest of five sisters. Is the fifth member of this family to pass the Central Superior Service Examination in Pakistan and join the Pakistani Civil Service.

Before him, his four sisters are also working in various government positions after doing CSS.

The story of the lion sisters
All these five sisters belong to Haripur district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and these five daughters of Malik Rafiq Awan and Khurshid Begum received their primary education from Convent School in Rawalpindi. This is the same school

Where the former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto also received his primary education. The eldest sister Laila Malik Sher cleared the CSS exam in 2008 and this success led her younger sisters to take the CSS exam every two to three years.

She continued to achieve success.

Laila Malik Sher is currently serving as Deputy Commissioner in Income Tax Department in Karachi.

After studying up to BA, he cleared the CSS examination at the age of 21 years and a few days to become Pakistan’s youngest CSP officer.

Five Sisters Pass CSS Exams – Each of Our Daughters Is Weightier Than 500 Sons

Five Sisters Pass CSS Exams - Each of Our Daughters Is Weightier Than 500 Sons

Laila did her MA in English Literature after passing the competitive examination.

After that comes the turn of Shireen Malik Sher who is currently the director of National Highway Authority Islamabad.

The third sister Sasi Malik Sher is Deputy Executive CEO Chaklala Cantt Rawalpindi and then Marvi Malik Sher who is serving as Additional Assistant Commissioner Abbottabad.

Zaha Malik is the youngest sister and will join the Officers Management Group as per the results to be released on June 17.

Zaha Zamana was also the captain of the college netball and president of the student council. He has also done Masters in International Public Relations from National Defense University Islamabad.

Speaking to the BBC, Zaha said, “Since childhood, we were told by our mother and father that we have to be independent and worked very hard on our education and training.”

“When my elder sister Laila Malik Sher passed CSS and saw her, it made me feel that I want to be like that too.”

Earlier, Zaha used to anchor Radio Islamabad’s program ‘Rabata’ where women and various people would call her and share their problems.

Five Sisters Pass CSS Exams – Each of Our Daughters Is Weightier Than 500 Sons

He said that at that time he thought that if a radio program can solve the problems of people, especially women, then surely I can do a lot by joining the civil service. Talking about the role of his parents, he said that since childhood we were told that we have to do something in the world. Do something memorable.

“We have to make ourselves independent and we have to serve the country and the people.”

That’s why my parents used to say from the beginning that we sisters should become CSS officers because there are many job opportunities but also one can express the skills properly.

Those mourning the birth of five sons are congratulating today.
The father of these girls, Malik Rafiq Awan, is a retired SDO from WAPDA. His native place is in Haripur district but he has been living in Rawalpindi for a long time.

When the results of CSS successful candidates were announced last evening, when we tried to contact them, their telephone was busy continuously for almost two hours.

When he got the phone and started talking to him, he told himself that today was a very strange and very happy day.

He started to tell that when my fifth daughter was born, instead of congratulating us, my relatives expressed regret to both of us that there was no son this time too.

Five Sisters Pass CSS Exams – Each of Our Daughters Is Weightier Than 500 Sons

“We were not sad about our daughter, but we must have felt sorry for the attitude of our dear relatives.” He said that today, after many years, my fifth daughter has also passed the CSS exam, so congratulations to my relatives. They are calling on the telephone for greetings and the house is full of guests.

“Most of them are the same people who used to express their regret to us openly or covertly about the five daughters.”

Malik Rafiq Awan faced this attitude since the birth of his first daughter. However, when her second daughter was born, her father was Sher Muhammad Hayat.

He said that on this occasion, someone said in a very strange tone that Rafiq’s second daughter was born, so he replied that these are not daughters, but sons.

At the same time, I replaced the name of my two daughters with the name of their grandfather Sher and did the same with the rest of the daughters.

He said that you can see that my four daughters are named after the fictional characters Leila, Shireen, Sassi, Marvi. He said that there was also a desire behind it that these daughters of mine would do such work for the country and the nation in which they would be famous, while the name of the fifth daughter, Zaha, was taken from the Qur’an, which means light.

Five Sisters Pass CSS Exams – Each of Our Daughters Is Weightier Than 500 Sons

It is the beginning.

“Maybe it was because the attitude of people on the occasion of her birth was a bit more bad, but for me she was very precious and like a light.”

‘Induced to become a CSP officer from childhood’
Malik Rafiq Awan said that during my employment, I was transferred to different places, but for the education and training of my daughters, I stayed in Rawalpindi only so that they would not be affected.

“When we talked with him even as a child, we both used to say that we have to do CSS.”

Malik Rafiq Awan told about the school incident regarding his elder daughter Laila Maliksheer that when she was in the first class, he went to a school meeting. Laila’s teacher told her that once in the class she asked Laila what she will become when she grows up, to which Laila replied that AC. On which the teacher said which AC is in the room

If it happened, Laila answered with great confidence, “No, Stunt Commissioner.”

He said that our children have come to know that we are striving for their education, training and a better future.

He said that there was a time when my posting was in Jhelum and I was returning to Rawalpindi along with one of my SDO friends.

Five Sisters Pass CSS Exams – Each of Our Daughters Is Weightier Than 500 Sons

As soon as I entered the house, my third daughter Sasi Malik Sher came to me and said that these books must be taken. On which I asked him to sit in the car. I wasn’t sure if the shop would be open. Fortunately, some of the goods of the shop had arrived, it was being unloaded, so I requested the owner of the shop

So they brought those books to us. Malik Rafiq Awan says that my friend is now in Canada and he often recalls this incident on the phone and says that now I tell all my friends that if my children get a better future.

If it is to be given. Then the parents have to give the message to the children in every case. That they can do anything for their good future.

That is the reason all my five daughters are now CSS officers, He says.

He said that it was not that there was any restriction from our side that they should do CSS. But we definitely wanted them to get a line at an early age so that they can prepare accordingly.

Then it happened that he had decided his future from his primary education. Accordingly, he prepared himself, worked hard and achieved success.

There was no compromise on studies
Malik Rafiq Awan attributes the success of his daughters to his wife’s tireless work and dedication.

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Malik Rafiq Awan says that his daughters were never reprimanded during their childhood and there was no need for it. He said that their mother Khursheed Begum used to look after the education and affairs of the girls. I myself used to live in different cities for work, but his mother has no compromise on education

used to do

He said that if I was at home. He would have said, “Stop studying, etc.,” Then his mother would have been angry.

When we both went out for shopping etc., we used to give them work. But obviously, children are children. They used to leave their studies and get busy in sports.

Malik Rafiq Awan said that when we would return home. She used to become as if she was studying very well behind us.

But we used to understand what his mother scolded him for. At that time, the elder daughter was keeping a dog. Even that dog used to understand that something was wrong, he used to hide under the bed out of fear.

One daughter is heavier than five hundred sons.
Khurshid Begum, the mother of the girls, said that she had greatly encouraged her daughters towards education and hard work.

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“When I was a child. For studying. I used to tell them to finish their homework quickly. And the one who does homework first will be allow to cycle.”

‘Then she was tempt to give him chocolate or something else for remembering the lesson quickly. He said that he never compromised on studying and then homework. She checked their class work, helped them with their homework. Gave them class work and homework to memorize and then listened. when

Every year, when there was annual vacation, she used to teach the course of the next class by herself. He said that the purpose of my life. Rather both of us. Was the better future of the girls, which was our responsibility. Throughout life, never reprimanded for any reason other than education and training

Who was Always sats and talked with him at night, apart from studying.

He used to tell different stories of big people. He used to listen to them. She would try to understand their problems, if any, and solve them.

He said that she herself used to work very hard. Always got good marks. The result of which is in front of everyone. Khursheed Begum said that all parents should not give priority to daughters over sons. Never, give daughters a good education. If the parents will give confidence to the daughters. They will be showns much more than expected.

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There are discussions from which we still learn a lot from each other.

Can’t either. Zoha Malik said that the atmosphere of our house was educational from the beginning. We sisters used to and still do often discuss topics from around the world. In which international affairs, the role of women, all these are informative

Malik Rafiq Awan said that for the development of the country and the nation. The society must understand that daughters are not a burden but they are very useful.

He said that there is a need to give them confidence. To educate them. To tell them that they have to work for the nation apart from their own future.

This is what we both husband and wife have done. Never thought that there is any lack if there is no son. Just focus on your daughters.

Now one of our daughters is heavier than five hundred sons. He did what even sons rarely do.

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