Mumbai: Bollywood’s famous actor Varun Dhawan has revealed that he was in love with tennis star Sania Mirza. “Varun Dhawan’s Love Affair with Sania Mirza Revealed | Today Shocking News”
In his recent interview, Varun Dhawan has narrated an interesting incident that happened during a shoot with the tennis star.
He has told that I was working for an ad with Mukal Anand’s Team Made Productions and Sania Mirza was also a part of that ad.
Varun Dhawan’s Love Affair with Sania Mirza Revealed | Today Shocking News
We had to get 300 shoes for this ad. So I went to Linking Road and rented 300 shoes and I was very fond of Sania Mirza at that time”. Said the actor.
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He further said that at that time Sania Mirza asked me for an apple and I got it for her.
Varun Dhawan said that I brought that apple and was giving it to his mother. As soon as I said aunty take this apple. she must have thought that I might have some mental problem, before I told aunty. Sania Mirza herself reached there and said that I had asked to bring this apple.
Varun Dhawan also told that he had also given me 5 thousand rupees to bring shoes and apples.
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